The How's and Why's

New Video Coming Soon...

Start Date:

March 15, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015


After passing my exam last month I thought I would jump right back into my old schedule without a hiccup and start cruising along my path to success.  However, it was summer time and with the change in study habits, exciting and important family changes, and summer fun, I have become a victim of completely falling out of my "Success Schedule".
I have realized that no matter how well intended you are to keep to a schedule there will always be interruptions and hiccups that roll through our plans.  The important thing is consistency in daily efforts to do the best you can.  Remember the good days and move on from the bad.  I don't feel too bad about why I got distracted, they are worth while causes...but now I am BACK and ready to keep to my schedule and post my success!!!

Here are my summer Speed bumps:

Father and Son Backpacking trip:
We hiked over 14 miles, crossed the same winding stream over 30 times, sat in a great natural hot springs, and had great conversation before the end of the trip.  My brothers and dad go camping somewhere together every year.  Usually it's a back pack trip and we always have a memorable time.

Boating trips with family and friends:
Earlier in the year I spent a couple days at Bear Lake UT camping and swimming with my family.  After passing my exam I had the opportunity to go with my in-laws to have an equally fun time jet skiing, swimming, and building sand castles.  Then I had some great friends invite us Jet Skiing.  They owned single rider jet ski's, something I have always wanted to try and wasn't about to pass up a fun time and good company.

Epic Pinewood Derby:
Had a "No Rules" pinewood derby race with my Elders Quorum at church.  I spent Friday night and Saturday morning working on it, and after some youtube advice I ended up with a pretty fast car.  It was helpful that our track was twice as high!

The slightly modified and elevated track

Sick Baby:
Poor little Max, he had his molars come in and maybe a little sickness as well, but for 2 weeks he didn't sleep worth beans, ran a high fever every evening, and even a little throw up to top it off!  He would wake up 3-5x/night screaming, and we often had to resort to children's Tylenol to help him, and us, make it through the night.  After 2 weeks of complete sleep deprivation I completely fell out of schedule.  This is probably one of the major factors in killing my schedule because I was so tired every morning it was all I could do to drag my body, kicking and screaming at me, out of bed.  It has taken me a week to recover but now I am so out of habit I am fighting to get back to it...aka waking up early and not falling asleep while I read at night!

Sick Mommy:
My wife is "Great with Child"...we are expecting our fourth in March!!!  She is such a trooper the first trimester being nauseous and very tired most of the time, especially in the evenings.  She has just entered the second trimester where she typically does much better, and we have already seen the shifting of the tides.  To complicate matters she has a subchorionic hemorrhage, which she had with our last baby, and is very limited in lifting and anything that might be the slight bit jarring.  This is the main reason I haven't been blogging.  By the time I get home, help or cook dinner, clean up dinner, spend time with kids, put kids to bed, then clean house and dishes I am exhausted and don't really have time to do anything else.  I have been very tired and had little energy to do anything but take care of my little family right now.  However, now that Heidi is feeling better I will have a little time in the evenings and hopefully can get back to making progress in reading and growing residual income sources and business plans.  Although this may have slowed me down a little, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!!!  We are very excited for a new little person to enter our home!
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Family Time:
After neglecting family time to study for 2.5 years, I have been trying to spend more time with the kids playing, hiking, and just being there more!  Although I still have a billion and a half things to do, it is so nice having achieved my goal and not have the weight of the exam hanging over me!  I thank God almost every day for helping me pass!  I'm so excited to move forward!!!

 Movie Time
Hiking Trip


  1. Congrats on your upcoming addition! Sorry Heidi's been feeling so lousy--pregnancy is HARD! Congrats again on passing your exam--it's been so inspirational to see your progress and mindset through this last bit.

    1. Thank you so much! We went through a tough deal together and I started this thing to help myself get through it and then to have a record that hopefully someone else can benefit from. Heidi does pretty good during the day, it's those darn evenings and night time that get her! I will let her know that you are thinking of her.
