The How's and Why's

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Start Date:

March 15, 2015

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Today is Just Try It day!
Yes this has never been celebrated, but I am starting this wonderful day when all the ventures, calls, and opportunities that I am afraid to take I take today!  This is the day when I am no longer going to let fear keep me from trying or procrastinating what I want to do.  In the next 24 hours I will do the things that I have been putting off, for whatever reason!  I invite any who read this, no matter what day, to commit yourself to the same challenge and to JUST TRY IT!  99% of the time the step that we feared was easier than we thought once we tried to accomplish it!
I have been progressing in many avenues to better myself, but in a couple business ventures (some of which cannot be disclosed at this time) I have drug my feet a little.  Mostly because I am often not sure what to do and there is a part of me that worries about not succeeding.
However, if there is one thing I have learned that no attempt, whether I fail or succeed, is in actuality a failure if I learn!  There is no possible way to achieve dreams without failure...aka learning opportunities.  I believe this so much so that I have began teaching it to my kids.  I have been congratulating them when they do things wrong.  Jerika will spell a word wrong and I congratulate and give her a big high five for trying on her own!  Then we go over how to spell it right and I can show her that she learned because she tried.
Today I am going to...

1.  Make a phone call to a man I have been trying to get mentorship from
2.  Set up a meeting with lawyers to progress in a business venture I am pursuing
3.  Start reading "One Simple Idea" to make my attempt at licensing and reaching my goal of having a residual income source

I invite everyone to join me on this JUST TRY IT day!  I hope you can make the seemingly scary step toward a big goal you are trying to achieve!

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