The How's and Why's

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Start Date:

March 15, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Final Countdown!!!

In Prep for the final countdown to the exam here is Europe's final countdown!  Epic Song!  Epic 80's Rock band hair!!!

Making Necessary Sacrifices

The last month has been a challenge in many ways.  I want to do so many things in my career, my blog, reading books, and progressing other financial opportunities.  Since I have been studying for my Physical Therapy boards exam again, I have had to put all those things aside and focus on what I need to do.
It is a good lesson for me though, as this won't be the last nor the only time in my life that I will need to put aside what I want to do for what I need to do.  I think of it as time put towards the GREATER GOOD!
Once I pass this test in 1.5 weeks from now, and I will pass my test, I can push forward with all my energy to continue accomplishing all of my other goals and aspirations.  I am so excited for that.  So giving up 4-6 weeks to focus one more time on my studies and mental preparation isn't that big of a sacrifice.  It's all about perspective isn't it?!
I will be taking my exam next Tuesday and I am honestly excited to take it!  I am going to rock this thing with at least an 80% passing score!  Check out my previous post on my affirmation statement that I have been saying to myself multiple times a day.  I am excited to show the NPTE creators that I can pass this, even after 8 attempts, and show myself that I can pass this.
I have one week to cram as much information into my head and then trust my conscious and subconscious mind to give me the recall and decision making skills to rock this thing out of the park.  The most important part to all of this for me is making sure my relationship, prayers, and faith is in harmony with God.  My major focus has been developing my faith to draw on the powers of Heaven and allow a miracle to be performed.  In doing so I am asking everyone I know to contribute their prayers to my success on this exam, July 21!  For anyone who believes in Prayer I would appreciate any you can offer in my behalf!
Here's to the FINAL week of sacrifice, to put all my focus and attention on studying and building my faith and confidence!  This exam is passed!

1 comment:

  1. You will own that test Vance! You know we are praying for you!
